

Solidarność i wsparcie. Katalog (2016)

In 2015 by the Dulag 121 Museum organized the exhibition Solidarność i wsparcie. Pomoc dla ludności Warszawy i okolic, wypędzonej w czasie Powstania Warszawskiego. In English, this means: Solidarity and support. Helping the people of Warsaw and its surroundings, when they were driven out during the Warsaw Uprising. The exhibition is dedicated to the wide-ranging efforts to aid the refugees, which were organized by both legally and secretly operating aid organizations along with thousands of volunteers. Though this campaign embraced hundreds of thousands of Varsovians, the subject was not broadly elaborated on for years. On 20 large placards the exhibition comprehensively shows the stages of flight and wandering, the forms of aid provided to the exiled, and organizations that were involved in helping them. The historical narrative is accompanied by extensive source material: portions of reports from aid organizations and stories told by witnesses, archival photographs and documents, as well as maps and info-graphics showing the course and scale of those events. The exhibition is complemented by a 60-page catalog. The creators of the exhibition are: Małgorzata Bojanowska, Maciej Boenisch, Aleksandra Wojda; the graphical work is that of Łukasz Kubacki
The exhibition can be lent out. If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact us!

Zeszyty Muzeum Dulag 121

Zeszyty Muzeum Dulag 121 – “Journals of the Dulag 121 Museum” – is a periodical in which we publish historical articles, archival materials, and reproductions of documents and photographs related to the subject to which the Museum is dedicated. The first issue of Zeszyty focuses on the aid campaigns for the refugees from Warsaw during the Warsaw Uprising and its aftermath, as was organized in Pruszków and in the surrounding towns and villages – namely, Milanówek, Podkowa Leśna, Brwinów, Grodzisk Mazowiecki, Łowicz, and Błonie. That issue describes selected texts, research reports and messages, and testimonies prepared for the conference organized in 2014 by the Dulag 121 Museum, called “Ocalić wypędzonych. Pomoc mieszkańców Pruszkowa i okolicznych miejscowości więźniom obozu przejściowego Durchgangslager (Dulag) 121. Sierpień 1944 – styczeń 1945”. In English: “Saving the expellees. How the inhabitants of Pruszków and nearby towns helped the prisoners of transit camp Durchgangslager (Dulag) 121: August 1944–January 1945”. The publication was enriched with a selection of maps and photographs. The journals can be purchased for 18 złoties at the Dulag 121 Museum and selected bookstores.

The Dulag 121 Museum’s Catalogue

In the Dulag 121 Museum’s Catalogue we outline the subjects taken up by the Museum, and also its mission, activities, and the role it plays in the community of Pruszków and its surroundings. The most important matter for us is the history and remembrance of the transit camp Durchgangslager 121, the fate of the expellees from Warsaw during the Warsaw Uprising and its aftermath, and the assistance organized for them in Pruszków and the other places Varsovians were sent. That is why the first part of the catalog is dedicated to their history, which we tell in five chapters that present archival photographs, maps, and portions of the stories told by witnesses. In the second part we talk about our work: the projects we have launched, and our research, education, and popularization activities. In the Catalogue you will also find all the practical information about the Museum: contact details, opening hours, ticket prices, and directions. This publication (in both Polish and English) is available at the Dulag 121 Museum for 6 złoties.

Ścieżki historii

Ścieżki Historii – niezwyczajny przewodnik po miejscowościach Powiatu Pruszkowskiego [“Paths of History: An unusual guide to the towns of Pruszków County”] is the outcome of the middle school competition Paths of history. Students of middle schools from Nowa Wieś, Pruszków, Otrębusy, Brwinów, Nadarzyn, Piastów, and Raszyn prepared 10 walking paths in the towns of Pruszków County that showcase their twentieth-century history and culture. The form of the guide – inspired by questing, geocaching, and outdoor games – provides the opportunity to rediscover the history of places, objects, and important figures associated with the history of the towns throughout the County. This entails an attractive educational tool both for use in the classroom and during weekend walks with the family. The project was illustrated by the young graphic designer, Karolina Kotowska. It was financed by the Museum of the History of Poland, the authorities of Pruszków County, and the Kronenberg Foundation at City Handlowy under the program Patriotyzm Jutra 2014 [Tomorrow’s Patriotism 2014]. The book is available free of charge at the Dulag 121 Museum until the supply runs out. It can also be downloaded in pdf from the Museum’s website.

Mieszkańcy powiatu pruszkowskiego w Powstaniu Warszawskim. Biogramy

In 2014, thanks to the efforts of Pruszków County, the first part of an important biographical encyclopedia was published, entitled: Mieszkańcy powiatu pruszkowskiego w Powstaniu Warszawskim [The People of Pruszków County in the Warsaw Uprising].
The book consists of 460 concise biographies that present people of today’s Pruszków County who participated in the battles of the Warsaw Uprising, whether in the capital itself or in Pruszków and its vicinity. The Dulag 121 Museum greatly contributed to its creation. The biographies were written on the basis of materials collected by Zdzisław Zaborski, Jan Cierliński, and the Dulag 121 Museum, and were elaborated by Zdzisław Zaborski and Aleksandra Wojda. The publication can be purchased at the headquarters of the Museum for 25 złoties.

The scale-model of Dulag 121

Since 2013 the Museum’s mezzanine has hosted a model of the transit camp Durchgangslager 121, created on the basis of archival photographs, the documentation of conservators, and witness-reports. This model is supplemented with a special folder showing the topography of the camp in 1944, and containing a description and history of individual buildings, including both the time when they served as railway workshops, and the period in which the transit camp Dulag 121 operated. In addition to the maps and photographs of reconstructed objects, the folder includes a selection of witness-testimonies that helped the group of artists under the supervision of Wojciech Zasadni to create a faithful reconstruction of the camp and the buildings in which the refugees from Warsaw were held. This publication is available at the headquarters of the Museum for 3 złoties.


A.D. Sławińska „Kiedy kłamstwo było cnotą”

In 2015, the Dulag 121 Museum took the helm and joined in the work on the second, expanded printing of the book by Anna Danuta Sławińska Kiedy kłamstwo było cnotą. Wspomnienia z pracy w obozie przejściowym w Pruszkowie 2 IX 1944 – 16 I 1945. In English: “When lying was a virtue. Memories of the work in the transit camp in Pruszków, Sept. 2,.1944 – Jan. 16, 1945”. During the Warsaw Uprising Anna Danuta Sławińska worked as a nurse at Warsaw’s St. Stanislaus Hospital for Infectious Diseases in the district of Wola, from where – on August 12, 1944 – she went to the transit camp in Pruszków. Between September 2, 1944 and January 16, 1945 this is where she worked, first as a nurse and then a translator at the medical commission. She was one of the few people who worked in the camp for such a long period. When lying was a virtue is the most comprehensive testimony to date relating to the transit camp Dulag 121. It is all the more valuable as the author was working in Pruszków as a translator at the medical commission and had direct contact not only with the people forced to flee Warsaw, but also with the Polish assistance staff and the German authorities managing the camp. Her memoir is one of the fundamental sources of knowledge on their activities and the relations between them, as well as on the conditions in the camp.
The book can be bought at the headquarters of the Dulag 121 Museum.